Albstadt. KORN ist ein zertifizierter Entsorgungsfachbetrieb mit Hauptsitz in Albstadt. Hier wird eine der weltweit modernste Gewerbeabfallsortier- und Ersatzbrennstoffaufbereitungs-anlage betrieben. Damit die Prozesse kontinuierlich laufen, setzt KORN auf eine vorbeugende Instandhaltung und damit gleichzeitig auf den Einsatz von perma Schmiersystemen.
KORN is a certified waste management company and employs 190 people at 5 different locations. Its headquarters are in Albstadt, Germany, where KORN operates one of the world’s most advanced industrial waste management and RDF waste to energy plants worldwide. KORN relies on perma lubrication systems for preventive maintenance in order to guarantee a continuous production process.
KORN Recycling’s core competence is the disposal of commercial, industrial and municipal waste. Recycling and waste recovery are subject to a continuous innovation process. There are 16 different waste categories, some of which can be processed into secondary raw materials. State-of-the art technology such as radio technology, infrared technology, induction- and magnetic sorting and separation stages for sifting and air separation, is used for the accurate recovery of secondary raw materials and their return to the production process. Non-recyclable waste is processed into quality-controlled, high-grade alternative fuels, which are used in the cement and power plant industry to replace primary energy sources like coal, gas or oil. In 2012 KORN Recycling won the Baden-Württemberg innovation award for this concept.
Professional maintenance with perma Lubrication systems
According to Managing Director Alexander Korn, machine downtimes cause huge costs, because a standstill may create a chain reaction. A breakdown of one component may shut down the whole system. This is one of the reasons why preventive maintenance and adequate lubrication of various system components, such as shredders, conveyor belts, roller bearings etc., are so important as high temperatures and dust caused by production processes make maintenance even more difficult.
KORN Recycling relies on perma lubrication systems. According to Dietmar Joost, Production Manager and Safety Officer, perma FUTURA is used for lubricating conveyor belts and perma STAR VARIO for electric motor lubrication. The use of various lubrication systems allows KORN Recycling to adjust to the individual lubrication characteristics of different machine parts.
perma STAR VARIO is an electromechanical system for reliable and continuous lubrication of all lubrication points at temperatures up to 60 °C, even when subject to high vibrations. By applying fresh lubricant, perma automatic lubrication systems prevent ingress of liquids, dirt and dust, thus ensuring a trouble-free process flow. perma STAR VARIO drives are re-usable so they are in line with KORN’s company philosophy ‘Don’t throw it away, re-use it’.
The use of grease lines allows remote mounting outside of dangerous areas (e.g. shredders) or at easy-to-reach locations in order to comply with workplace safety regulations.
All-in-one service
perma offers suitable accessories for all applications. Re-lubrication amounts for various machine parts are easy to calculate with the free perma SELECT APP. KORN Recycling uses the perma MLP / perma MLP APP to manage all lubrication points. This App provides an overview of all lubrication points and the upcoming maintenance work.
Qualified perma field staff support Dietmar Joost with professional advice. More and more lubrication points have been retrofitted with perma lubrication systems. According to Dietmar Joost, KORN Recycling is more than happy with the perma lubrication systems as well as the service and support provided by perma.