perma’s sustainable Christmas greetings: Working together for a better environment in the future
The holidays are approaching and so is the growing anticipation of a peaceful and joyful Christmas. However, this should not keep us from considering our environment. As environmental awareness is gaining significance, sustainability is also moving into focus. For instance, more and more people are realizing the environmental effects gift wrapping can have. It is therefore becoming increasingly important to find eco-friendly alternatives for gift wrapping.
Blooming Christmas greetings from perma
Environmental awareness is very important to perma – even during Christmas time. That’s why this year’s Christmas greetings have something very special about them. They are printed on cards made from seed paper. So instead of just sending Christmas greetings they can be planted right in your backyard for a flower meadow to grow. Furthermore, in order to reduce packaging waste, they will arrive in a reusable and eco-friendly envelope. During times in which companies are becoming more and more environmentally aware, perma is setting a good example by showing it is possible to make sustainable decisions during the holidays.
Wishing you and your families a joyous and peaceful holiday season and a Happy New Year 2024! May this be a year filled with health, happiness, and prosperity.